ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study makes an attempt to investigate how hard and complicated it is to internationalize higher vocational education after the pandemic. This study looks at how the COVID-19 epidemic has affected efforts to internationalize, how "red culture" helps build social responsibility and patriotism, and how information diffusion models can be used to understand the features and development path of internationalization. The study also talks about how different Chinese universities handle internationalization and how hard it is to make academic and cultural integration happen. Along with looking at the role of the "One Belt, One Road" project in making vocational higher education more international, the study also looks at the problems that come up when China and Spain try to make higher education more international. The study reveals that internationalization can work and can go wrong in the years after the pandemic. It also emphasizes how important it is to boost international cooperation, teacher training, and communication across cultures in order to make higher vocational education more global. Researchers also found that we need to critically consider the effects of globalization policies and practices and come up with new ways to handle the difficulties of internationalization in the Chinese school system.
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