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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Relationship between Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Medical Students in University Putra Malaysia

Rong Cheng Chong

Open access

This study aims to investigate relationship between depression and suicidal ideation among medical students in University Putra Malaysia. 217 respondents consisted of 109 males and 108 females were selected as sample size by using purposive sampling technique. Self-administered questionnaire were being distributed for data collection. The instruments adopted in this study were PHQ-9 and BSS. Descriptive Statistical Test, Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Test and Independent Samples T-test were integrated in data analysis. The results highlighted that nearly 84.33% of the respondents were facing depression. Meanwhile, almost 97.70% of the respondents were experiencing suicidal ideation. Females indicated to have higher propensity in depression and suicidal ideation. The findings also described that parental age, parental years of education and family monthly income did not significantly affect depression. Whereas, parental age and parental years of education did not significantly affect suicidal ideation. In addition, respondent’s age established a significant relationship with depression and suicidal ideation. Besides, family monthly income and depression established a significant relationship with suicidal ideation. This study also postulated that there was significant gender difference in depression but no significant gender difference in suicidal ideation. Hence, this phenomenon outlined that depression is a potential risk factor for suicidal ideation among medical students. Overall, respondents who suffered from depression have a higher likelihood to develop suicidal ideation. It was fundamental and recommended for future researchers to generate more diverse facts, views and perspectives on similar topic.

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