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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Factor Influencing Staff Retention among Generation Z in the Banking Industry

Syed Munir Barakbah Syed Faozi Barakbah, Sallehatul Asfiah Mohamad Salleh, Ahmad Basyaruddin Zainol, Siti Nur Athirah Ruwaidah Mohd Fuad

Open access

This study aims to investigate the factors influencing staff retention among generation Z in the banking industry in Malaysia. If an organization wishes to be maintained and continue to exist, it must make efforts to satisfy the requirements that are set forth by its staff. The purpose of this paper is to study the factors that influence Generation Z workers' likelihood to remain employed in the banking industry. In order for businesses to successfully retain the younger generations in the workforce, it is necessary for such businesses to have an understanding of the special requirements and motivations of the younger generations. A quantitative methodology was used to collect the data for this study, and survey questionnaires were distributed to the participants. The response rate was 64 percent, with 385 out of 600 questionnaires being returned, which was determined by using a random sample technique. The target demographic is the workforce of Bank X in Malaysia, which is comprised of members of Generation Z. This study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the topic of staff retention and provide advice to banking organizations on how to execute targeted initiatives to retain Generation Z personnel.

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