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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relationship between Full-Range Leadership Styles and Police Integrity

Irwan Hardy Borian, Huam Hon Tat, Ida Md Yasin

Open access

Ensuring the integrity of the police force is crucial in order to uphold public trust and preserve the effectiveness of law enforcement. The impact of leadership styles on integrity infractions is certainly significant, but current understanding is hindered by a lack of empirical research, particularly in Malaysia. This study aims to narrow this gap by investigating the correlation between full-range leadership styles (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and the level of integrity among members of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). Integrity breaches inside the RMP force can lead to severe outcomes, such as diminished public cooperation and a climate of impunity for criminals. The current body of studies on leadership and police integrity may not comprehensively encompass the specific circumstances and dynamics of the Malaysian context. This study aims to investigate several leadership approaches and their impact on both the organizational and occupational components of police integrity. Data will be gathered by self-administered questionnaires that will be sent to a representative sample, which will be assessed using G*power analysis. The analysis of the intricate connections between leadership styles and integrity will be conducted using structural equation modelling (SEM). The discoveries have the capacity to greatly influence our comprehension of police integrity in Malaysia. These initiatives have the potential to provide information to leadership training programs within the RMP, which in turn promote ethical behavior and enhance public confidence. This research can also facilitate future investigations into interventions and leadership development programs designed to enhance police integrity. The research conclusions were derived from the analysis of the data, culminating in the study's final findings.

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