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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Supervisor Support and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction among Bank Employees in Cyberjaya

Kaaminiy Sidharthan, Novia Zahrah

Open access

The banking industry plays an important role in maintaining financial stability and stimulating economic progress, attention must be paid to the wellbeing and satisfaction of bank workers. Providing a supportive work environment is essential for improving employee happiness and performance, especially via efficient supervisor support. This study looks into how the work environment and supervisor support affect job satisfaction among bank workers in Cyberjaya. Given how highly competitive the banking sector is, keeping qualified workers and enhancing organizational performance depend on an understanding of the elements that affect job satisfaction. A quantitative approach using purposive sampling was employed to survey employees on their perceptions of the work environment and supervisor support. The findings reveal a strong connection between a positive work environment and high job satisfaction, with supervisor support significantly influencing employee well-being. The study highlights the importance of Human Resource Management (HRM) policies that prioritize creating a supportive workplace to enhance job satisfaction. Future research could investigate additional factors, such as organizational culture and leadership styles, and conduct comparisons across various industries to gain a deeper understanding of the key influences on job satisfaction.

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Sidharthan, K., & Zahrah, N. (2024). The Impact of Supervisor Support and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction among Bank Employees in Cyberjaya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(10), 1395–1404.