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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Review of the Implementation of Differentiated Instruction in Different Majors of Higher Education Classrooms

Gou Tong, Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh

Open access

Individual differences are increasingly being considered by the government, teachers, and parents. Due to the large class size, traditional teaching methods are too monotonous, and teachers often pay less attention to students' learning interests and motivation. Differentiated instruction was a personalized approach to teaching that takes into account students' personalities and caters to their individual learning needs, thereby promoting each student's full development based on their original abilities. While there have been sufficient systematic studies on differentiated instruction in primary, middle, and high schools, there is absent systematic analytical summaries of the results of the different specializations of the University.This study adopts a literature review method to analyze the research status of differentiated instruction from the perspectives of language course, STEM course(Science?Technology?Engineer and Mathematics), and physical education. It focuses on implementation strategies as well as approaches used for implementation along with the effects of differentiated instruction methods across various specialties. Finally, this paper summarizes the variations found in different major-specific researches and provides suggestions for future research directions.

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