ISSN: 2222-6990
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The study investigates the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in influencing service innovation performance (SIP) in the hotel industry, particularly focusing on its effect on employees' behaviours. Grounded in resource-based theory and social exchange theory, the research explores how CSR acts as a strategic resource affecting employees' affective commitment (AC) and SIP. The study used a cross-sectional, quantitative survey with 174 managers from two-star and above hotels in Lahore Pakistan and analyzed the data using PLS-SEM.The findings reveal when affective commitment was added as a mediator, the substantial link between CSR and service innovation performance shrank to a significant relationship. The study highlights the importance of CSR in fostering employees’ job attitudes and innovative behaviours, with AC mediating the effect of CSR on SIP. It emphasizes CSR's potential to meet employees' psychological needs, leading to improved service innovation in the hotel industry. The research also proposes a CSR-based service innovation model, offering valuable insights for hotel managers to leverage CSR for competitive advantage.
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