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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Multilingualism and Translanguaging: The Impact on Elementary Learners’ Reading Skills in the ESL Classroom

Lee Rou Yan, Azlina Binti Abdul Aziz

Open access

The education sector has experienced a transformation in language pedagogy in recent years, which involved the transition to translanguaging as a powerful tool to use in the ESL classroom to make learning more participatory and effective. Traditional approaches to language learning that uphold the concept of holding one codified language in isolation from other languages are giving way to more inclusive pedagogical practices that embrace translingual learners. This quasi-experimental study explored the extent to which translanguaging affected the reading skills of elementary learners in the ESL classroom. A total of one hundred and seventy-two Grade 6 students were recruited into the study and were subjected to an analysis of the effects of translanguaging on the subsequent reading skills after the interaction occurred. There were statistically significant mean differences between the control and experimental groups. The effective means of translanguaging demonstrate a positive impact of allowing first language in the ESL classroom and that utilising both first language and English, to a certain degree, is effective in enhancing the reading skill of elementary learners in the ESL classroom.

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