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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Determinants of Social Entrepreneurial Intentions among Undergraduate Accounting Students in Malaysia: Conceptual Paper

Rosnah Hussin

Open access

This conceptual paper examines the relationship between the role of prior experience and self-efficacy to social entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate accounting students in Malaysia. As social entrepreneurship gains traction within Malaysian business educations, understanding the factors that influence students' intentions to engage in social entrepreneurial ventures is crucial. The study reviews existing literature, highlighting the significance of prior experiences and self-efficacy in shaping students' entrepreneurial aspirations. It emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and targeted educational interventions that enhance self-efficacy, thereby fostering a commitment to social entrepreneurship. Concurrently, educational institutions must create supportive environments that integrate practical experiences with theoretical knowledge to nurture social entrepreneurial intentions effectively. By doing so, they can empower accounting students to address societal challenges through entrepreneurial initiatives, ultimately contributing to the development of a socially responsible workforce in Malaysia. Future research directions are proposed to empirically validate the conceptual framework and explore the effectiveness of specific educational strategies in enhancing social entrepreneurial intentions.

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