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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Investigating the Determinants of Consumer’s Intention and Behavior in Online Consumer Credit Consumption: A Systematic Literature Review

Wei Xinxin, Mohamad Fazli Sabri, Norzalina Zainudin, Ayuni Nabilah Alias

Open access

The landscape of individual lending activities has undergone a significant transformation, shifting from offline to online with the rise of the Internet economy. In this fintech era, online consumer credit (OCC) has emerged as a popular lending choice, offering efficiency and user-friendliness to the public. This study delves into the research on the mechanisms that drive users’ OCC consumption behavior, aiming to identify the determinants that influence users’ intentions to adopt OCC and, subsequently, their engagements. Through a systematic literature review methodology, we have assessed the current state of academic investigation on OCC consumption mechanisms and selected 34 articles that align with our research theme. The research findings, which have identified 120 variables across four broader categories, have significant practical implications. Among these factors, financial literacy was a key determinant influencing individuals’ rational consumption. This study underscores the urgent need for society to invest in financial education, which can enhance the stability of the economy and society by promoting prudent purchasing decisions. The insights from this research will equip subsequent academicians with valuable knowledge to delve deeper into the mechanisms by which users consume OCC and explore the gaps between their intended and actual consumption.

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