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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Foreign Tourists Intentions toward Novel Food in China: The Impact of Food Neophobia as a Key Moderator

Li Fan, Karpal Singh Dara Singh

Open access

This manuscript investigates the moderating role of food neophobia on foreign tourists' intentions towards trying novel foods in China, framed within the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Analyzing data from 136 foreign tourists in Qingdao, the study employs structural equation modeling to reveal that while subjective norms and perceived behavioral control positively influence behavioral intentions towards novel foods, attitudes do not. Crucially, food neophobia negatively moderates the effects of subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on these intentions, indicating that the fear of unfamiliar foods can dampen tourists' willingness to engage with local cuisine. These findings highlight the complex interplay between cultural openness and food neophobia in shaping culinary tourism experiences. This research contributes to understanding how destinations can better tailor their culinary offerings to attract and satisfy foreign tourists, suggesting targeted strategies to mitigate the impacts of food neophobia.

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