ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this study is to ascertain how marketing positioning factors such as product quality, price perception, value proposition, and special features impact consumer brand loyalty in FMCG market. Moreover, this study also determines whether price perception mediated the relationship between product quality and brand loyalty. There are 102 consumers in Selangor involved in this study chosen based on simple random sampling. Standard multiple regression and mediating analysis using SPSS Process Macro Model 4 were used for data analysis. The findings demonstrated that 59.8% of consumer brand loyalty for FMCG product is influenced by product quality, price perception, and value proposition. In addition, the finding reveals that product quality has a significant effect on customer brand loyalty through price perception. This indicates that the customers in the FMCG market prefers to purchase high-quality FMCG products in discounted rates or reasonable price which enhance perceived value and direct them to present brand loyalty. This study suggested that FMCG manufacturers should try to increase customer involvement and perception towards the brand by setting reasonable price and clearly differentiate their brand from competitive brands by showing why and how it is better than alternative brands.
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