ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Kuching Sarawak’s currently recognized as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy underscores, its significance in terms of diverse types of food and environmental heritage. The aim of this research is to identify the underlying dimensions of predictors of tourists’ consumption behavior toward local gastronomy in Sarawak and, to examine the influences on tourists of consumption behaviors in the context of environmental factors effect on tourists’ intention. By selecting Sarawak as the location of this study, the quantitative method using a questionnaire is employed which data then analyze by using Smart PLS 4.0 contribute to the findings of the significant roles of tourists’ behaviors traits of a local gastronomy in Sarawak. Additionally, the findings reveal that the relationship of six of the predictors; gastronomy knowledge (? = 0.099, t=2.077, p<0.038), cultural awareness (? = 0.107, t=2.272, p<0.023), food safety (? = 0.087, t=2.305, p<0.021), gastronomy image (? = 0.158, t=2.538, p<0.011), epistemic value (? = 0.344, t=5.660, p<0.000) and environmental factor (? = 0.233, t=5.730, p<0.000) demonstrate a positive relationship with the environmental factor, thus confirming the support for the hypothesis. The findings shows the significant contribution through the development of plans local food and tourism industries, as well as the preservation and promotion of traditional Sarawakian culinary culture, the findings can significantly increase economic growth.
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