ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Rural teacher retention issues are prevalent worldwide. The aim of this study was to assess the variability of rural teacher retention across regions and identify factors that influence their career retention behavior. We found a total of 55 papers on this research topic published between 2008 and 2023 in various databases using a systematic literature review and a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study's findings showed that there are differences in the national contexts and methods used to study rural teacher retention issues. The study revealed six key characteristics that influence teacher retention behaviors, namely: i) personal characteristics; ii) family factors; iii) classroom and students; iv) school climate; v) community connections; and vi) social support. Based on these findings, future research should focus on positive behaviors for teacher retention, giving priority to the role of social support systems and the atmosphere of the school's organizational climate and community in shaping teacher retention. The study's findings are critical for promoting sustainable rural education development and influencing rural teacher retention policies and practices.
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