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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Business Intelligence System on The United Arab Emirates' SMEs Innovative Work Behaviour

Soo-Fen Fam, Saif Khalifa Al Derei

Open access

In the UAE, small and medium-sized businesses account for more than 95% of all operating businesses. These enterprises lack local and global expansion, which is attributable to their low level of innovative work behavior. Also, the lack of an effective business intelligence system has contributed to the low level of innovative work behavior within the UAE small and medium enterprises. This study aims to investigate the impact of business intelligence systems on the innovative work behavior of small and medium enterprises, both directly and through the mediation role of knowledge sharing and innovation. The model development of this study relies mainly on the technology, organization, and environment frameworks. This study adopts the quantitative method. The cross-sectional time horizon used to collect the data was 386 owners, managers, and shareholders who took the initiative to implement and enforce business intelligence systems. The data collected were analysed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using Smart PLS software. The findings of this study revealed a significant and positive impact of the business intelligence system on innovative work behaviors. Also, knowledge sharing and SME innovation mediate the impact between the business intelligence system and innovative work behavior. This study contributes to the technology, organization, and environment framework by exploring the mediation role of knowledge sharing and SMEs' innovation toward improving innovative work behaviors. It was recommended that knowledge sharing inside the workplace be a part of the management of SMEs since it improves team performance and provides a source of competitive advantage.

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