ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Breast milk is a natural gift to mothers as the first food for babies, containing the best nutrition. The benefits of breast milk are undeniable and have been proven through numerous studies. One of the important roles of breast milk is that it can accelerate the growth process of premature infants and reduce the risk of death due to serious intestinal issues, commonly known as necrotizing enterocolitis. However, hospitals often face issues with insufficient supplies of breast milk to provide for premature infants. This is because some mothers who give birth prematurely are still unable to produce their own breast milk. Additionally, the services of wet nurses are very difficult to obtain immediately. Therefore, this article is written to identify the extent of the importance of establishing milk banks in order to save the lives of premature infants. The data for this article was collected using document analysis method. The findings indicate that breast milk plays a crucial role in saving the lives of premature infants. The development of milk banks, especially sharia-compliant milk banks, is essential to ensure that the supply of breast milk in hospitals is always sufficient to meet the needs of premature infants and, ultimately, save their lives.
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