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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Tayyib Element in Food and Health Products in Malaysia: An Evaluation

Azie Zurianie Mat Zaid, Nadhirah Nordin, Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin, Noorhaslinda Kulub Abdul Rashid

Open access

Rapid growth of the halalan tayyiban food and health product industry is driven by high demand, government support, technological innovation, and global recognition. Although these products are certified halal by authoritative bodies such as the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) and the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), there are doubts about the extent to which the tayyib element is adhered to based on the concept established by Islamic scholars (fuqaha). While halal food and health products have expanded significantly on a global level, the quality of halal product manufacturing needs to be enhanced to better align with the concept of tayyib. Compliance with the tayyib element is crucial to improving the quality and safety of products, meeting the growing consumer demand for health-conscious options, and strengthening consumer confidence in halal brands. This effort will also ensure the integrity of halal certification in a more comprehensive manner according to Sharia principles, contributing to the well-being and health safety of the community. This study aims to identify the tayyib elements in halal food and health products in line with the views of Islamic scholars. The study employs a qualitative approach with an exploratory research design. Data collection involves document analysis, interviews, and field observations. The data obtained is analyzed using content analysis. The findings reveal that some halal food and health products in the market only meet halal standards but do not fully comply with tayyib criteria in terms of nutritional content and long-term health effects. Further research is needed to develop more specific tayyib parameters in the production of halal food and health products.

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