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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Implementation and Challenges of Idah and Ihdad Due to Husbands’ Death among Working Women According to the Islamic Perspective

Normadiah Daud, Syh Noorul Madihah Syed Hussin, Nadhirah Nordin, Zurita Mohd Yusoff, Siti Khatijah Ismail, Nabilah Nurshuhada Zainal Abidin, Muhammad Juni Beddu

Open access

Sharia obliges women after the death of their husbands to undergo Idah for four months and ten days. This claim involves all Muslim women whose husbands have died, whether they are working or otherwise. Today's reality shows the difficulty of working women whose husbands died to manage their new lives alone without intervention and help from the government. Those who lack knowledge of the basics of religion will continue their career and daily affairs as usual without feeling guilty. While for those who know about Islamic law related to the Idah, they will usually be in a dilemma between continuing their working life during that period or vice versa. This problem then becomes more complicated to the extent that some are willing to take leave without pay just to perform the Idah. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the obstacles and challenges working women face in fulfilling the Idah's demands perfectly. Through a qualitative approach, this study uses secondary data based on document analysis by analyzing the content and then making more objective and systematic conclusions about the focus of the study. This study found that the variety of challenging factors that working women must face during the period of idah and ihdad requires immediate intervention and improvement for existing initiatives so that idah and ihdad can be implemented in line with the requirements of Syariah. The findings from this study can then be used by the government as a guide in the construction of policies related to working methods for women whose husbands have died during the Idah period and the welfare of orphans in their care. This study will also be able to make a great contribution to women in looking after their welfare as working women as well as realizing the demands of sharia on women in general after the death of their husbands.

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