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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Entrepreneurial Competencies in a Sample of Nigerian Small Business Owners

Nuhu Tanko Danibrahim, Umar Haiyat Abdul Kohar, Logaiswari Indiran

Open access

This study assessed the structural validity of an entrepreneurial competencies’ measurement model among small business owners in Zamfara State, Nigeria. The initial exploratory factor analysis (EFA) identified three key dimensions—entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneurial knowledge, and entrepreneurial attitude—with a cumulative variance of 66.40%, indicating a robust representation of the underlying dimensions. However, the subsequent CFA results present a mixed result, with the model demonstrating significant fit issues (?² = 348.827, df = 87, p < 0.001) and suboptimal fit indices, including a Comparative Fit Index (CFI) of 0.607 and a Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) of 0.259. Despite these challenges, the study contributes to the literature on locational evaluation of entrepreneurial competencies in the specific context of Zamfara State, Nigeria. The study also underscores the need for further refinement and exploration to enhance the accuracy of measurement tools in assessing these critical skills among small business owners.

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