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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Bridging Vocabulary Gaps for Young ESL Learners in Rural Setting through Digital Tool: A Review

Veronica Dexter Sudok, Nur Ainil Sulaiman

Open access

In the current state of the world, digital tools have been widely used in the field of education. Various types of digital tools have been utilised in the classroom to ensure that teachers are able to achieve their teaching and learning objectives of various subjects, English being one of them. The teaching of vocabulary is not always easy for teachers as pupils come from different backgrounds economically and geographically thus indicating that they possess different levels of vocabulary knowledge. This paper explores the impact of digital tools on vocabulary teaching and learning. A comprehensive search across Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) and Google Scholar, identified 30 articles, of which 12 met the inclusion criteria for detailed analysis. These studies, conducted in various educational settings and countries, involved learners ranging from young children to adults. The digital tools examined included mobile applications, online platforms, interactive games, and multimedia resources. The findings consistently showed that digital tools significantly enhance vocabulary acquisition, with 12 studies reporting notable improvements in vocabulary knowledge, retention, and learner engagement. While the results are promising, the variability in outcomes suggests that the success of digital tools depends on factors such as implementation methods and learner demographics. This paper highlights the potential of digital tools in enriching vocabulary instruction and recommends further research to optimise their usage and investigate long-term impacts.

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