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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Art Core Competency in Chinese Secondary Vocational Schools: A Systematic Literature Review

Xuan Chen, Sharkawi Bin Che Din

Open access

The education system greatly emphasises cultivating the students’ skills to succeed in the 21st century. The Ministry of Education in China advocates for the developing students' core competencies and has introduced the concept of art core competencies to integrate more closely with the art discipline. Teachers aim to cultivate art core competencies as an educational goal. However, The current literature lacks a scope review of relevant research on the core competencies of vocational art in the context of core competencies. Therefore, researchers emphasize the need for a systematic review of existing studies to gather information on the research regarding art core competencies in Chinese secondary vocational schools. This review identifies three key questions: (1) What are the dominant themes associated with art core competency in secondary vocational schools in China? (2) How do secondary vocational schools cultivate art core competencies in China? (3) What difficulties are encountered in cultivating art core competencies? The literature review on art core competencies in Chinese secondary vocational schools reveals that student-centered approaches, multimedia-assisted teaching, problem-based learning contexts, and diversified assessment strategies are the primary methods art teachers use to implement core competencies. Moreover, the findings also indicate that teachers face challenges in applying new educational methods and assessing students' core competencies. Researchers suggest that the Ministry of Education should introduce training programs to enhance teachers’ professional development and improve teachers' abilities to cultivate art core competencies in students. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the current state of cultivating art core competencies in secondary vocational schools. It will benefit art educators, secondary vocational schools, and educational departments.

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