This study aimed to construct and evaluate the Malay version Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire (PTSD-Q) among Malaysian adults. The PTSD-Q is designed to identify early symptoms of PTSD in individuals. Its construction is based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). The questionnaire consists of 16 negative items divided into 8 subscales, with each subscale containing 2 negative items; Subscale 1: Involvement in traumatic events, Subscale 2: Avoidance, Subscale 3: Negative changes, Subscale 4: Negative Changes, Subscale 5: Psychological disturbances, Subscale 6: Duration of disturbance, Subscale 7: Social impairment, and Subscale 8: Physical fatigue. The content validity of the PTSD-Q was evaluated by 11 experts, including 2 medical specialists, 5 psychology officers, and 4 academic lecturers. Reliability testing involved 58 respondents aged 18 and above. The overall validity index of the PTSD-Q was .894 (89.4%), while its reliability score was high at .921. These findings demonstrated that the PTSD-Q is a valid and reliable assessment tool for use in the fields of counseling and guidance in Malaysia.
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