This study investigates the relationship between family-student and teacher-student dynamics on learning motivation among college students in Shandong, China. Learning motivation, a crucial factor influencing academic performance, has been found to vary across different grade levels and is often influenced by family and teacher interactions. Despite Shandong's historical emphasis on education, contemporary college students face challenges in maintaining learning motivation, particularly under the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study employs a correlational research design using validated questionnaires to measure learning motivation and its associated factors, including family-student and teacher-student relationships. A total of 385 students from various academic years participated in the survey, with data analyzed using ANOVA, t-tests, and regression models. Findings highlight significant disparities in motivation levels across academic years, emphasizing a downward trend in higher years. Furthermore, strong family-student relationships, characterized by communication, emotional support, and academic guidance, positively correlate with higher motivation levels. Similarly, teacher-student relationships, marked by support, fairness, and emotional bonds, significantly influence students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Low motivation was found to directly correlate with suboptimal academic performance, underscoring the critical role of fostering effective interpersonal dynamics. This research contributes to the understanding of motivational factors and their implications for educational practices in Shandong’s colleges. The findings suggest actionable insights for educators and policymakers to enhance family and teacher engagement in students’ academic journeys, fostering a supportive environment to sustain motivation and improve academic outcomes.
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