ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Early Intervention Guide is a rehabilitation program for children with early hearing loss. This guide explains the most important principles of auditory-speech therapy and can be used by parents and professionals as a resource to support the auditory-speech rehabilitation process. The program follows the stages of normal development for a child from birth to preschool (4 years). The guide includes ideas and strategies for developing speech through listening instruction, as well as charts that illustrate the normal developmental stages of auditory, cognitive, and speech skills; receptive and expressive language skills; and social communication skills, from birth to age four. The guide also contains developmental charts for more than twenty other skills, such as self-help, memory, motor imitation, and tool use. The current study discovers that first-stage children suffer from significant difficulties in auditory perception and social communication, which negatively affects their ability to interact effectively with others and achieve good academic achievement. Early intervention has been proven to be an effective solution to improve linguistic and social skills of children in this category, which contributes to their better integration into society. As such, this study aims to demonstrate the importance of early intervention programs to develop auditory perception skills in first-stage children. Through a survey of previous studies, different kinds of training programs were recommended.
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