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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Enhancing Exercise Adherence through Self-Efficacy: Mechanisms, Moderators, and Interventions

Yuan Yubin, Roxana Dev Omar Dev, Soh Kim Geok, Ji XueYan

Open access

Regular physical activity provides substantial health benefits, yet adherence to exercise remains a challenge for many individuals. Self-efficacy, a core component of Social Cognitive Theory, has been identified as a critical psychological factor influencing exercise adherence. This review examines the theoretical underpinnings of self-efficacy and its role in promoting sustained physical activity. Key mechanisms through which self-efficacy affects exercise adherence include goal setting, self-regulation, and coping with barriers. Additionally, several moderators, such as demographic factors, social support, and health status, shape the self-efficacy–exercise adherence relationship. Intervention strategies designed to enhance self-efficacy, including behavioral techniques, social reinforcement, and digital health technologies, have demonstrated effectiveness in improving exercise adherence. Despite these advancements, gaps remain in understanding the long-term effects of self-efficacy-based interventions and their applicability across diverse populations. Future research should explore longitudinal effects, cross-cultural variations, and the integration of emerging technologies to optimize exercise adherence interventions.

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Yubin, Y., Dev, R. D. O., Geok, S. K., & XueYan, J. (2025). Enhancing Exercise Adherence through Self-Efficacy: Mechanisms, Moderators, and Interventions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 15(3), 1713–1722.