ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Since the beginning of time, man is trying to realize himself, without wisdom one cannot makes sense of himself and his world. The study aimed to identify the terms of wisdom according to Islamic view as well as to examine the Quran methodology of developing and maintaining wisdom. The content analysis of the qualitative approach was employed to gather and analyze the information regarding the subject matter. The findings revealed that wisdom can be referred to understanding and comprehension of justice, eloquence in speech and constant rightfulness in statement that leads to good behavior. It also indicated that constant remembrance of Allah will keep steady our faith and our thinking; given us appropriate sense of direction and reasoning thereby checking our activities and preventing us from wrong doings. The findings will give a meaningful contribution for other researchers who are eager to know more about wisdom and enhanced the teaching and learning process. However, the study emphasise on character building if wisdom was attained and consequently rise to good decision making, responsible citizens and hence a well-mannered society that appreciates values and ethics.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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