ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Rapid changes in university structure and mission present various conflicts that require effective management. This article evaluates the effectiveness of distributive bargaining, integrative bargaining, and interactive problem solving models of conflict resolution in facilitating positive change in management and student’s expectancies and attitude.
Conflict has occurred across generations and centuries with one of the first recorded conflicts between the brothers Cain and Abel (Barclay & Wolff, 2011). According to Deutsch and Coleman (2000), conflict occurs between people in all kinds of human relationships and in all social settings (Fisher et al., 2000). Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, and maneuvering through an interpersonal conflict is a skill every person must learn (Scott, 2008).
In as much as disputes are inevitable if not handled well, they can collapse an organization or an institution causing havocs which can be expressed in form of strikes and even death. On the other hand disputes can have positive outcomes such as stimulating creativity and interest and ideas generation if for instance students and management enter into dialogue and participation on pertinent issues. To reduce unhealthy outcomes out of disputes, various strategies both in house and use of third party mechanisms and interpersonal techniques can be applied. When these strategies are put into considerations cordial relations amongst parties is enhanced which results in good relations between them. As a result, organizations enjoy higher productivity, employees enjoy good working environment and students are able to achieve their dreams by being in conducive study environments and parents as well enjoy good returns of their money when students perform well towards achieving their desired goals.
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