ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
A competitive market environment requires enterprises from the food industry to emphasize quality aspects in improving the process, quality and performance of the company. This goal is achievable by implementing a statistical quality control tool through a quality management practice program. However, a literature review on quality management and quality improvement from this industry in Malaysia is still unclear, especially on the assessment tool for statistical quality control (SQC). The main purpose of the study was to contribute in terms of review and observation of the statistical quality control implementation through tools or techniques of quality management. Research begins with a question of relationship quality improvement with the implementation of statistical quality control among small medium enterprises in the food industry. A questionnaire approach was conducted to obtain responses among food industry consisting of microenterprises, small and medium in northern Malaysia. The statistical analysis found that the knowledge and application of SQC tool implementation are moderate with score 39.87 (knowledge index) and 35.12 (application index). This study helps to SMEs in knowledge transfer activities through the technical support and guidance needed as a preparation in facing the future market challenges that is more competitive.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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