ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The roles of institutions of zakat has always been public attention because it involves the trust of the public. Impact distribution of zakat is depending on management and distribution system implemented by the institutions of zakat. Increasing number of Muslims’ below poverty line, it showed the weakness of zakat management system. Hence, a comprehensive approach and the modification of management consistently need to be taken to address these issues. This qualitative study carried out of relevant view from fuqaha about the role of amil as one of qualified asnaf zakat. The study found that continuous improvement and modification of management plays an important role in ensuring that issues related to the distribution of zakat can be resolve as well as reduces poverty either in the city or in lots. The study also suggested more proactive actions needed between administrators and management personnel in the zakat funds optimized have been collected.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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