ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The purpose of this study is to measure the level of motivation in students following a new approach in teaching and learning of Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship using software created by Powtoon company. The researcher has redeveloped the content of one of the lessons using this software. A sample of 35 undergraduate students (Degree level) from the Art and Design Faculty of University Technology MARA, Perak Campus was randomly drawn to participate. All the participants were previous students of this subject during their diploma level. The researcher introduced them to the new lesson (which was integrated with animations) and feedback was obtained by questionnaires. In addition, 5 selected students and 2 educators were also interviewed. This research involved qualitative and quantitative methods. All data gathered from the questionnaire and interviews were analyzed and discussed in the findings. The results affirmed that when both educators and students are happy, the teaching and learning processes will become more effective thus contributing in the increase of learning motivation and satisfaction.
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In-Text Citation: (Mahadi, Ibrahim, Jamaludin, Daud, & Fuad, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mahadi, S. R. S., Ibrahim, N. H., Jamaludin, N. N., Daud, K. M., & Fuad, I. N. F. M. (2018). The Integration of Animation in Learning Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: Student Motivation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 597–608.
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