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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Investigating the Relationship between Work-Life-Balance and Motivation of the Employees: Evidences from the Local Government of Jakarta

Suhendro Oktosatrio

Open access

This paper examines the relationship between work-life-balance and employees' motivation in the public sector of Jakarta, Indonesia. Through motivational theories and work-life-balance theories, the conceptual framework is developed to explore research variables. This is a descriptive research following qualitative inductive method. The total sample size for this research is 86 respondents working in the local government of Jakarta. Data was gathered through self-administered survey questionnaire. Findings revealed that personal life significantly affect the work. Majority of the respondents prefer flexible work and operating from home. Interestingly, females are more eager to work from home in comparison to males. Furthermore, the findings revealed that females in contrast to males are much more organized in managing professional commitment and personal life agendas. Additionally, all employees seek taking holiday in contrast to extra money or bonus. Lastly, working for longer hours is the most de-motivating job attribute.