ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Occupational safety and health are a field that is often attracted by various parties and organizations and is a modern social movement. The issue of the deterioration of indoor air quality in the work environment is one of the environmental issues. However, when discussing the issue of indoor air quality in terms of occupational safety and health in Malaysia, most of the studies conducted were more focused on the aftermath of indoor air quality and steps its escort to ensure internal air quality problems in the work environment are more temporary. The implementation of governance in occupational safety and health in the aspects of indoor air quality in Malaysia is divided into two, through legal and non-legal methods. Based on the basic beliefs of sustainability governance there are two main approaches namely holistic approach and reductionism. Thus, this study discusses whether the implementation of governance in occupational safety and health governance in the aspects of indoor air quality is influenced by one or a combination of holistic approaches and reductionism based on the analysis of relevant documents. The findings show that each approach has its own payoff and importance in ensuring the implementation of governance occupational safety and health with the involvement of various and structured stakeholders.
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In-Text Citation: (Mazlan, Razman, & Arifin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mazlan, S. M., Razman, M. R., & Arifin, K. (2018). Governance in Occupational Safety and Health in the Aspect of Indoor Air Quality in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 236–247.
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