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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Designing Model of Career Path Development for National Football Development Program (NFDP): Directions, Issues, Challenges and Sources of Knowledge that Influence and Develop Coaching Expertise Level

Zulakbal Abd Karim, Ahmad Najib Abd Razak, Ali Md Nadzalan

Open access

The main purpose of this study is to propose a model formed towards the development of career paths of coaches involved in the National Football Development Program (NFDP) in Malaysia by identifying the development paths, directions, issues, challenges and knowledge sources that influence / form the level of expertise among the coaches. This is a qualitative study that used a developed design concept. Using a purposive sampling method, a total of five participants (coaches) from the NFDP were interviewed to determine the current and existing development direction. The findings showed that there are 9 issues and challenges outlined by the NFDP coaches and two forms of knowledge they have acquired throughout the PPBN program. Based on the issues and challenges faced by NFDP coaches and knowing what source of references used by the coaches, the direction of career development by NFDP coaches can eventually be formed from the data obtained. It is recommended that NFDP management can use the results of this study as a guideline and it is hope that the model proposed to improve the career path of the coaches can help in providing impact to the national football development through NFDP.

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In-Text Citation: (Karim, Razak, & Nadzalan, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Karim, Z. A., Razak, A. N. A., & Nadzalan, A. M. (2018). Designing Model of Career Path Development for National Football Development Program (NFDP): Directions, Issues, Challenges and Sources of Knowledge that Influence and Develop Coaching Expertise Level. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 558–566.