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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Total Quality Management Practices and Service Delivery in Healthcare in Public Health Facilities in Kisumu East Sub-County, Kenya

George Benard Oluoch, Raphael Nyonje, Leon Awiti

Open access

The study’s aim was to establish the influence of total quality management practices on service delivery in public health facilities in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kenya. The aspects of total quality management practices investigated in this study were: management commitment, staff training, employee involvement and continuous improvement. Descriptive survey research design method was used by the research study. The target population was the medical personnel: The facility doctor/nurse/clinician in-charges, Pharmacy technicians, Laboratory technicians, Nurses from 10 health facilities in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kenya. The study did a census on all the 10 health facilities, the researcher picked 4 respondents from each facility: 1 facility doctor/nurse in-charges, 1 Pharmacy technicians, 1 Laboratory technicians and 1 Nurses. Purposive sampling technique was used to pick the 1 facility doctor/nurse in-charges, 1 Pharmacy technicians and 1 Laboratory technician because most public health facilities just have one personnel in those position. Simple random sampling was used to pick one nurse of the 1-5 that work in those health facilities. The study used questionnaires for data collection. To ensure the validity of the instruments experts were engaged in to review it and make recommendations. Test-retest technique was used to measure and enhance the questionnaires’ reliability. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that there was a significant moderate positive relationship between managerial commitment and service delivery r=0.588** p?0.05.The study established that there was a significant moderate positive relationship between staff training and service delivery r=0.473**.It was established that there was a significant moderate positive relationship between employee involvement and service delivery in public healthcare facilities in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kenya r= .567**, p?0.05.It was found out that there was a significant strong positive relationship between continuous improvement and service delivery in public health facilities r=0.860**,p?0.05.The county government need to further enhance managerial commitment in implementing total quality management practices in the facilities. The county government needs to come up with a policy to ensure regular and systematic on-job training to all the medical personnel in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kenya. The health facility in-charges and the management boards need to institutionalize employee engagement by coming up with a clear framework that shall create a platform for employee participation in total quality management in public health facilities in Kisumu East Sub-county, Kenya. The County government of Kisumu needs to document and sensitize all the health facilities the continuous improvement strategy for healthcare.

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In-Text Citation: (Oluoch, Nyonje, & Awiti, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Oluoch, G. B., Nyonje, R., & Awiti, L. (2018). Total Quality Management Practices and Service Delivery in Healthcare in Public Health Facilities in Kisumu East Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 634–653.