ISSN: 2222-6990
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The food safety as providing utility available on an international scale falls within the classical definition of the global public goods. This paper presents a multi-criterial model for assessing the demand side of food safety as a public good in Bulgaria, in a context which can be easily articulated with the broader scope of European Union ’s Common Agriculture Policy. Based on a large pool of experts in agriculture as well as consumers and farmers in the South-Central Region of Bulgaria, a specific survey was tailored and applied following the methodology of Analytic Network Processes and the Benefits-Opportunities-Costs and Risks (BOCR) specific framework. Weights of importance for food safety in the context of other significant public goods were derived to express demand side priorities under general strategic criteria. Contingency valuation (CV) as a method to measure the willingness to pay for the food safety was also included in the survey and was processed in accordance with the previously demand side weights of importance calculations. Sensitivity Analysis completes the paper and constitutes an example about how national agricultural policy influences the enforcement provision of public goods. The analysis performed in this paper can be easily extended to nearby countries in the attempt to improve on the European policy’s coherence regarding food safety.
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In-Text Citation: (Mihnea, Costache, & Radutu, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mihnea, A., Costache, R. M., & Radutu, A. (2018). Food Safety as a Global Public Good in the Context of Common Agricultural Policy Case Study: Demand Side Evaluation using Mutli-Criterial Analysis in Bulgaria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 228–241.
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