ISSN: 2222-6990
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Since the implementation of Treasury Single Account (TSA) in 2015 by the present administration in government with the intention to control financial mismanagement which will consequently improve government revenue and economic growth; stakeholders, researchers and the general public are interested to know the extent to which these objectives have been met. This study empirically examined the extent to which TSA has improved Federally Collected Revenue (FCR) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the economy. Secondary data sources from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin and economic reports were utilized for this study. The observations were recorded on quarterly basis from Q3-2013 to Q2-2017. The data were divided into two periods: Pre TSA period (Q3-2013 to Q2-2015) and Post TSA period (Q3-2015 to Q2-2017). A pre post analysis (difference in means test) was carried out using SPSS version 20. Analysis shows that the implementation of TSA has a negative and significant effect on FCR. However, further findings revealed that GPD of the country significantly increased after the implantation of TSA. It was recommended that periodic appraisal of each revenue generating sector should be made so that some sectors that are not performing as they ought to will not feel covered by those that are doing better.
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In-Text Citation: (Ofurum, Oyibo, & Ahuche, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ofurum, C. N., Oyibo, P. C., & Ahuche, Q. E. (2018). Impact Of Treasury Single Account On Government Revenue And Economic Growth In Nigeria: A Pre – Post Design. International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences, 8(5), 279–288.
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