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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Malay Undergraduates’ Knowledge about the Kalima Shahadat

Mohd Nizam Sahad, Fathullah Asni

Open access

The testimony of shahadat is a basic fundamental requirement which is a mandatory for the Muslims. Thus, it is a requisite for the Muslims to clearly understand and appreciate the concept of shahadat in order to keep them away from falling into the pit of shirk. Previous studies have shown that the level of knowledge and appreciation on the concept of shahadat among the public is still at an unsatisfactory level. In fact, similar phenomenon appears to happen among the undergraduates. Hence, an assessment of the undergraduates’ precise level of knowledge on the concept of shahadat needs to be carried out in order to obtain empirical results. In this study, a total of 110 undergraduates had participated in answering the questionnaire regarding the concept of shahadat. Data obtained were then run through the SPSS Statistics for statistical analysis. The findings show that the respondents’ level of knowledge is generally low, although their level of interest on the knowledge of divinity is high. Hence, the researchers suggest that the authorities provide a module regarding the concept of shahadat as an effort in making the undergraduates understand the true concept of shahadat, so that their aqidah is preserved with plausible knowledge, instead of mere follow without genuine understanding of the requirement of the kalima shahadat.

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In-Text Citation: (Sahad & Asni, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Sahad, M. N., & Asni, F. (2018). Malay Undergraduates’ Knowledge about the Kalima Shahadat. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 708–719.