ISSN: 2222-6990
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Work alienation is one of the behavior patterns in which the relationship between the employee and the organization is negative. When the literature is examined in terms of individual values, it is observed that high congruence of the individual values of managers with those of employees in the organization is expected to affect the positive behavioral outputs in the positive direction and negative behavioral outputs in the negative direction. According to the hypothesis of this study, there is a relationship between manager-employee value congruence and work alienation. In this study, the mediating effect of organizational climate was also investigated in the relationship of manager-employee value congruence and work alienation. According to the results obtained, there is a relationship between manager-employee value congruence and alienation to work, and in this relationship, organizational climate is a partially mediating variable.
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In-Text Citation: (Menemencioglu, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Menemencioglu, G. B. K. (2018). The Effect of Employees’ Perceptions of their own Values and their Managers’ Values on their Work Alienation: The Mediating Role of Organizational Climate. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(6), 146–162.
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