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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Challenges of Islamic Philosophy of Science Based On Contemporary Islamic Science Thinkers

Shahirah binti Said

Open access

Before the dawn of modern science and technology, there was the knowledge of philosophy pioneered by Muslim scientists such as al-Farabi and Ibn Sina. Even Imam al-Ghazali himself discussed science as a subject of philosophy. However, after the rise of Western civilization, there was a separation of religion in daily lives. This had an effect on many knowledge disciplines including Islamic philosophy of science, which was perceived to have been influenced, by modern scientific philosophy introduced by Western thinkers. Realizing this, Islamic thinkers has put an effort to put religion in back its rightful place. The Islamisation of scientific philosophy has its own challenges. Therefore, several questions arise. What are the challenges and issues present in Islamic philosophy of science? Is there still a widespread influence of modern scientific philosophy in Islamic science philosophy? Based on these questions, this working paper presents three objectives. The first is to identify the definition of Islamic philosophy of science. The second is to identify the criticisms of modern scientific philosophy. The third is to analyse the challenges faced by Islamic philosophy of science based on the thinking of contemporary Muslim science experts. This literary study has found two challenges faced by Islamic philosophy of science. The first challenge is the internal challenge which comes from the knowledge of Islamic science itself and the second challenge is the external challenge which is the influence of modern scientific philosophy upon Islamic philosophy of science. Therefore, there is a need to develop Islamic philosophy of science so that it will centre absolutely on tauhid towards Allah (SWT).

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In-Text Citation: (Said, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Said, S. binti. (2018). The Challenges of Islamic Philosophy of Science Based On Contemporary Islamic Science Thinkers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 898–908.