ISSN: 2222-6990
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Al-Qur'an that was revealed in Arabic also contains words with elements of mushtarak or words with more than one meaning. In this case, the translator needs to carefully select the most appropriate equivalence among other equivalences available in the target language. Inaccuracy in selecting the most appropriate equivalence can disrupt the comprehension level of the target readers. This study aims to assess the level of comprehension amongst readers of the Malay translated text of al-Qur’an by Abdullah Basmeih entitled Tafsir Pimpinan Ar-Rahman Kepada Pengertian Al-Qur’an, specifically towards the translation of mushtaraks and their verses. A survey was conducted and questionnaires were distributed to 300 respondents. The data were analysed using a simple percentage calculation. In addition, interviews with three respondents were carried out to support the findings of the survey. Overall, the study finds that majority of the respondents are able to understand the translated words of mushtarak and their relevant verses. However, the findings also reveal the difficulties faced by some respondents in understanding the translation provided by the translator due to the ambiguous sentences and awkward equivalences. This situation therefore provides more room to present al-Qur’an translators for revisions and improvements of the translation done by Abdullah Basmeih.
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In-Text Citation: (Mansor & Kadir, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mansor, I., & Kadir, K. A. (2018). Readers’ Comprehension of the Translation of Words with Multiple Meanings in the Tafsir Pimpinan Ar-Rahman. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(7), 8–22.
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