ISSN: 2222-6990
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Everyone works for rewards, either in the form of pre-determined salaries, wages or some other benefits or any bonuses and remunerations for certain performance. Individuals seek for being compensated fairly and are only satisfied if they get the expected rewards resulting for their performance. Thus, current study investigates whether remuneration influences employees’ performance through influencing employees’ attitudes. Current study proposes that remuneration influences employees’ performance while employees’ attitude mediates the relationship between these two. A sample of 200 respondents from listed companies of Amman stock exchange is studied and implementing structural equation modeling it is found that in manufacturing organizations remuneration significantly influences employees’ attitude that ultimately influences their performance. Hence, remuneration has significant influence on employees ‘performance but by influencing their attitudes towards their jobs.
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In-Text Citation: (Alwaki, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Alwaki, M. N. (2018). An Evaluation of the Impact of Remuneration on Employee Attitude and Performance in Organizations. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(7), 410–420.
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