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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Hablumminallah among Successful Muslim Women Entrepreneur: An Exploratory Study

Syarifah Md Yusof, Abu Bakar Hameed, Raziah Md Tahir, Azizah Othman

Open access

Islam concerns on both the relationship between man and Allah (hablumminallah) and also between man and man (hablumminannas). Hablumminallah is the individual’s relation with Allah. The good relationship With Allah (hablumminnallah) is the main prequisite for Muslim entrepreneurs to achieve success (al-falah). However, unparallel actions and reactions with the teachings of Islam far detour from the effort to create the good relationship with Allah (hablumminallah), furthermore missed the target of achieving al-falah, that is the ultimate success of the world and hereafter to becoming a Muslim entrepreneur. Somehow, the research that’s looking into the hablumminallah in the entrepreneur’s circle is quite limited. Hence this paper explores the dimensions of hablumminallah among Muslim women entrepreneurs succeeding as the main foundation of the formation of entrepreneurial networks, thus becoming the basis for the success of Muslim entrepreneurs. This research has utilized the qualitative approach. The interview method was used to collect data from successful Muslim women entrepreneur. The interviewees were chosen by using purposive sampling technique. Results from the research shows that Muslim women entrepreneur successfully keep the hablumminallah relationship through faith dimension, worship and morality. The findings of the research will be a guide to entrepreneur especially Muslim women to attained success in business.