ISSN: 2222-6990
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The interest in the study of social environment stems from a major belief that ‘Social environment consists of the sum total of a society's beliefs, customs, practices and behaviors.’ However, researcher and reformer from many countries have suggested that social environment is an important aspect on student’s behavior. The challenges of the coming century are too complex. The influence of social environment will produce problematic society. This article suggests a significant social learning theory based on Islamic and west perspective and effect of social environment on student behavior.
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In-Text Citation: (Arifin, Wahab, Teh, & Otman, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Arifin, R. binti M., Wahab, N. B. A., Teh, K. S. bin M., & Otman, M. S. (2018). Influence of Social Environment on Student’s Behaviour. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(7), 930–939.
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