ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
As market and purchasing power is frequently growing, halal foods are demanded not only within Muslim but also requested among non-Muslim. In general, the scope of halal concept is determined by how foods are prepared and served together with how they are made and processed. The assurance in foods clarifies as halal would reflect a better sense of hygiene, quality produced with the compliance of food safety. Despite the outrageous acceptance of halal industry towards processed foods, there is an issue of doubtful occurring in between. The assumptions of syubhah could be proposed as a huge issue since the sensitive uncertainty would lead to haram. Hence, this study aims to acknowledge the influence of knowledge on Doubtful Halal foods toward consumer purchasing behavior. Total of 107 consumers with different demographic participated as respondents with vary result interpretation.
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In-Text Citation: (Shalifillizam, Arsat, Othman, Ahmad, & Mokhtar, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Shalifillizam, N. I. F. B. C., Arsat, A., Othman, Z., Ahmad, N. A., & Mokhtar, R. (2018). Knowledge on Doubtful Halal Processed Foods and Muslim Consumer Purchased Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 628–638.
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