ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Outsourcing acts as an emergency exit which is offered by the human resources (HR) department to the executives having trouble in competitive environment. However, the quality of the relationship in partnerships and such is the primary factor in the supply process. Therefore, the hypotheses questioning how “Partnership Quality Model” -accepted as credible and valid by Lee in the information systems outsourcing- and scale affect the partnership quality in outsourcing HR functions in Turkey, are tested on the outsourcing relationships among 81 companies and 34 supplier companies. As a result, it is found out that the key factors in outsourcing success are the decision process, partners, contract and partnership quality. Partnership quality, which is the independent variable of the study, is formed byfactors such as trust, business understanding, benefit/risk share, conflict and commitment. These factors are determined to be affected positively by certain determiners such as joint action, communication quality, information sharing, mutual dependency, cultural similarity and top management support. But they are affected negatively by the determiner, participation. And they are not affected all by the determiners, duration of the relationship and coordination.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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