ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study investigates the elements which contribute to service quality for customers’ positive words of mouth towards the food trucks business in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The study examines whether the quality dimensions included in the SERVQUAL model apply in a local food trucks environment, specifically in Klang Valley. A total of 199 respondents have been surveyed using a structured questionnaire with 30 Likert-type scale adapted from the Parasuraman’s SERVQUAL instrument (1988) and the original list of service quality dimensions provided by Zeithaml et al. (1990). The findings show that dimensions such as courtesy and competence of the personnel, communication and transactions, knowing and understanding the customer, accuracy and speed of service have a significant importance to customers positive words of mouth while availability of tangible dimension were revealed to have a low relationship in comparison to other dimensions suggesting that food trucks owners should pay more attention to the dimensions of tangible awareness that will enhance customer positive word of mouth. This study also supports the argument in past literature that has deliberated quality as an important predictor of customer behavior.
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In-Text Citation: (Said, Sukarno, Razak, Ahmad, & Rashid, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Said, H. M., Sukarno, A. F. M., Razak, Z. A., Ahmad, S. B., & Rashid, S. (2018). The Impact of Service Quality on Customers’ positive Word of Mouth towards Food Truck Business in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 1919–1940.
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