ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Considering the important role that personality traits and brand identity is playing in gaining advantage for companies against the competitors, these seem to be more important when customers be loyal to the brand. The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between personality traits of customers and personality and brand loyalty. The model of this research is presented based on Yalin model and in this research using 30-questions questionnaire, a sample of 150 customers of Iran khodro industrial group who selected randomly, were evaluated. Main idea of this paper is whether there is relationship between personality traits and personality? Whether there is relationship between brand identity and brand loyalty? This paper is application research and is from descriptive- measurement type of field branch. Content justifiability of the questionnaire was confirmed by the expert panel. Questionnaire validity based on the initial sample was =?./77andthe model was tested by LISREL software. The results indicate that there is a positive and direct relationship between extroversion and excitement, conscientiousness and excitement, conscientiousness and competence, excitement and loyalty, competence and loyalty, sincerity and loyalty and ruggedness and loyalty and other hypotheses were rejected.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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