ISSN: 2222-6990
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Over the past decade, a lot of countries have set ambitious policy goals to increase both the quantity and quality of Early Childhood Education Center. Even though, there is a growing literature on management and professionalism within the Early Childhood Education (ECE), but there is less debate about the real experiences of being a principal in this discussion. Every individual is being encouraged to take part in the managerial roles which is now required by the professionalization agenda although the traditional educators are primarily inspired by a strong desire to work with young children. This article draws on observations and interviews with two principals of private kindergarten in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. The data collection process involves two principals who had experienced more than 10 years as a teacher and minimal 4 years as a principal. Data were analyzed using content analysis method. The findings show some similarities of both management position for teacher and principal. The differences of both management scope will complement the kindergarten management process. This can be proved by the separated teacher and principal competencies regulated by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia. In addition, this may avoid the overlapping management work load by two different positions. Indirectly, the educators and principals may respect the management roles of each other. As a conclusion, the experienced principal in the kindergarten environment may determine the similarities and differences of both different positions; teachers and principals. The implications of this study are a quality of principal may produce good performance of teacher and children development. Thus, from this study suggest that experienced principal should ready to motivate new teacher to build up early childhood education career.
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In-Text Citation: (Mustafa & Pranoto, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mustafa, L. M., & Pranoto, Y. K. S. (2019). The Experience of Kindergarten Principals to Provide the Real Similarities and Differences of Managerial Roles in Yogyakarta City. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(2), 1078–1086.
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