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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Leaky Pipeline Syndrome in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry of Malaysia: A Conceptual Study on Female Career Barriers and Retention Management

Manimegalai Rajenderan, Dahlia Zawawi

Open access

In Malaysia, women accounted more university enrolments then men in computer majors and occupy about half of the jobs in Science & Technology in Malaysia. While the number of women graduates has been increasing, their employment attrition rate compared women have been significantly higher in ICT industry, this problem has often been called the “leaky pipeline” syndrome. It is posited that given the current labor shortage in the ICT industry; it has become more important than ever to reduce sources of leakage in the ICT career paths of women. A model of barriers faced by women in the field of ICT is presented herein. Female career barriers such as work-family conflict, technostress and mentorship were identified and discussed in this paper. Subsequently, this paper suggested that these identified barriers tend to implicate psychological well-being, which is the key determinant for female talent’s retentiveness in ICT industry. The finding of the study able to provide appropriate patch for the leakage in the women’s ICT career pipeline.