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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Sulh Approach in Reforming the Education Loans’ Repayment for the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN)

Dziauddin Sharif, Nasif Sidquee Pauzi, Rafidah Mohd Azli, Norajila Che Man

Open access

PTPTN is an established government organization that provides education loan among Malaysian students. Nowadays, the number of unpaid debts by the graduate students granted by PTPTN is increased. PTPTN has taken a step further in order to minimize the inactive payers by collaborating with immigration body and CCRIS. While, Al-Quran has stated the role of creditor in facilitates debtors by giving a delay or just waived the debts even though the debtors are responsible for settling the debt. This paper brings Sulh approach as an alternative to reconcile between PTPTN as the creditor and the higher learning’s students as the debtors in accordance to re-evaluate their knowledge of debt repayment priority. By using the approach of Sulh as the medium of arbitration between two conflicting parties, this paper explores a solution to provide a win – win situation that able to harmonize the parties’ interest. Therefore, the first objective of this paper is to suggest new elements of sulh between PTPTN and graduate students. The second objective is to propose the framework of Sulh from the elements suggested that verifies the better off to all parties involved. This paper found that, Sulh approach can create an assessment in determining a discounted loan repayment. The PTPTN’s comprehensive assessment on the students’ profiles such as academic results, university activities participation and families background is discovered. The assessment created by Sulh approach shows the potential benefits gained by the PTPTN’s collections and savings as compared to its current practice, and for students, it motivates them for setting the target on discounted loan settlement that matches their own ability and reality as it entertains them holistically through the introduction of elements of Sulh.

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In-Text Citation: (Sharif, Pauzi, Azli, & Man, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sharif, D., Pauzi, N. S., Azli, R. M., & Man, N. C. (2019). Sulh Approach in Reforming the Education Loans’ Repayment for the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN). International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(4), 233–244.